Sunday, August 30, 2015

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Angkor Wat, the biggest temple in the world

The area I stayed in and places I visited in Cambodia were VERY crowded and touristy, unfortunately. I had to maneuver through people and stand on my tippy toes to get the sunrise shots I wanted. If I were to ever go back, I would stay far away from the tourist locations and strictly teach English or volunteer. So many of Cambodia's people would really benefit from more help than they receive.

Cute, but mean. Speaking from firsthand experience...

My favorite accommodation in Southeast Asia (tied for 1st place with the hotel I stayed at in Hoi An, Vietnam)

Taking advantage of a beautiful pool and $3 cocktails

"Find beauty not in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides." -Junichiro Tanizak, In Praise of Shadows

Visiting a village about an hour away from Siem Reap

Spotted when walking back to the hotel from the night market. Did not try this place and I don't regret it.

Boat trip! The river was so mucky and brown and kept splashing up on us throughout the entire trip. 

Not the most picture-esque body of water in the world.

This family, like so many others, floated up to us asking for money. No matter what I did in Cambodia, there were always children or disabled people (accompanied by others) begging for money. It really broke my heart and often made me feel uncomfortable. Our guide said that if children asked for money for school, which they often did, it was a scam because they weren't in school if they were begging for money – they were taking care of their families.

I never knew what to expect when people would approach us, repeating, "give dollar, dollar, dollar."

I can tell you I NEVER expected this, though. I gave her a dollar because I took a picture of her and that's the etiquette there. But what a lifestyle, especially for a child. Can you imagine? Cambodia made me so much more aware of how many children aren't receiving educations. It's such a luxury here in the U.S. If you're looking for an organization to donate your time or money to, check out something like Room to Read. I wish every child could have access to education instead of being subjected to provide for their families at such a young age.

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