Hi friends. Tis time for some therapeutic writing. I've been waiting for a blog-worthy photo shoot to post, but I'll switch it up and talk about sporadic randomness instead. Keep you (all nine of you) on your toes.
School Life:
First of all...as of a few weeks ago I have been accepted to Florence University of the Arts! I can honestly say I've never done as much paper work in my life as I have throughout the past two weeks. I'm lookin' at you, One Stop Shop (aka Georgia State's very own disaster of an enrollment service center). The only thing left to tackle will be my Italian Visa, but I'm taking it one day at a time. And tomorrow is sushi, astronomy lab and criminology class, so I'll leave it at that (maybe I'll even hit the gym for the first time since August, but that would be ambitious). Anyways, I'm so excited to be taking fashion photography, contemporary Italian cooking, Italian language and a couple of journalism/travel writing courses in such a beautiful city. I'm trying to get the courage to contact Franca Sozzani, the editor-in-cheif of Vogue Italia, in regards to spending my spring break helping out there in Milan. A girl can dream. Anyways, it's pretty scary that I don't know the language, anybody going on the study abroad, or actually anybody on the entire continent, but needless to say I am so excited. As long as I'm more afraid of how I'm going to pack four months worth of clothes than going in general, I think I'm doing okay.
Work Life:
I'm halfway through my internship with Men's Book, Jezebel, & The Atlantan that I work every Monday and Friday...hard to believe how fast time is flying this semester. It's such a wonderful experience getting immersed in magazines via the intern life: everything from fact-checking, writing upcoming events and finding what's new/newsworthy in the city, to helping out with photo shoots (helping out might mean observing and picking up lunch for the photo crew, but hey, I still love it). The next issue up is "50 Most Beautiful" and I got the pleasure to observe that shoot--I mean who wouldn't want to shake hands with Atlanta's 50 most beautiful people? They ain't too shabby. It's so much fun dressing up and working in the office--this internship has made me truly excited for everything the future has in store!
And on a separate note, as of last week, my work with The Signal is on pause until I come home from Europe. I wasn't happy having to take something off my plate, but I'll most definitely get back at it in 2013. I learned so much in my 6+ month position as Associate Living Editor and I miss the fantastic staff already! It was time to curb the focus back to my grades, internship, freelance work (I know you see that contact button) and myself, though. I forgot what ME time is like, but I've welcomed it back with open arms. Yesterday I got another gig with CountyLine Magazine in December as well as a paying job (wait...there are jobs out there that pay you to work??) at Children's Medical Group. Time to clock in so I can cash out for weekend trips in Europe!
Life Lately:
I got my hair did this week! Ombre at last. Probably the boldest beauty move yet on my part. I love it and highly recommend Nicole Walker at Kara Christian Styling Studio to anyone looking for a great hair stylist.
The highlight of my week: I went to Bloomingdale's at Lenox to buy the red Chanel lipstick I've been dying for, and the woman behind the counter insisted she "play up my eyes" with Chanel shadow. And then eyeliner. Then foundation. Next thing you know, my makeup was done professionally and even better, free. They may have been successful in their little trap, though, as I'm seriously debating going back for that aqua foundation. Ugh, they're good.
Next: last night I figured out I've officially lost my mind. After unloading all of my frozen dinner groceries into the trunk of my car, I closed the door and realized I left my keys in the back. I approached the cop outside of Publix and even though we both knew he could unlock my car, he told me that it's not allowed and I'd have to call a locksmith. In the frazzled state that I was in, I called the guy and he told me that it would be 100 dollars. I started crying and told him "never mind" because it was too expensive (What!? What was I going to do, just sit outside my car after he drove off?...) and he lowered his price down to 75 dollars. (By the way, that really makes me wonder if he was just very kind or if he makes up his own prices. But that's another story.) After I got my craziness together and paid the guy, I got home and realized I have AAA who would have unlocked it for free.
Herp derp.
Last update, I promise: I've been planning Family Day this coming Saturday for AOII and am so happy it's all coming together. A sister is making an AOII themed corn hole set for a competition, we miraculously got Chic-fil-a donated for the event and I think it's all going to go smoothly. I'm loving my Parents Chair position in the sorority and can't wait until next November when I can run for something with greater responsibilities (I know you're thinking, "But Leah, if you can lock your own car keys in the trunk while unloading groceries, I don't think you need any more responsibilities", but I don't want to hear it).
Well, it's 2:15 AM and I'm exhausted. Thank you firetruck sirens for making me aware of the fact that I'm most definitely boring everyone and that it's time for bed. Maybe I can dream up a costume for Halloween since I just thought of the fact that it's two weeks out and I have no clue what to be.
I'm excited to buy October's issue of Vogue (how have I not done this yet, I don't know), Cherry Garcia ice cream & watch Modern Family tomorrow. La bella vita.
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